Software for HP39GII


Here are some links to the newest HP calculator: the HP39gII.
We should pay attention to it, since it is the basis for the newer HP graphical calculators to come.
First, the emulator
Some math pack to learn:



Here are some links to the newest HP calculator: the HP39gII.

We should pay attention to it, since it is the basis for the newer HP graphical calculators to come.

First, the emulator:

HP39gII emulator

Some math packs to learn:

Maths Lesson pack

Learning A-level maths with the HP39gII

HP39GII Teacher Presentation

A key piece of software if you plan to develop from your computer (attention: this piece of software comes with the last version of the firmware bundled with it - it solves most of the known bugs of the HP39gII)

HP39gII connectivity kit

Several other programs from Calc-Bank, the french resource for calculator programs:

Tangent Equation

Clone a HP 39gII

Rockets & HP39gII

Les complexes sur HP-39Gii
Régression linéaire HP-39Gii

Commandes de programmation utiles sur HP39gII

Eddie B. Shore Calculator Blog Programming Tutorial for HP39GII


Classic view