New Firmware for HP Prime and HP15c CE

Aviation pac: the first software pac for the HP15c CE

We are now reviewing the first software pac for the HP15c: the aviation pac, by none other than Geoff Quickfall, B777 and B787 Captain. While these calculations are all done by the flight computer, Geoff believes that you always need "a second opinion" confirming the results.

He has prepared a fully detailed manual, a set of programs with 469 steps (that can be uploaded onto your HP15c with the VoyagerSave program) and even two overlay proposals

Here below are the contents of the pac. We will work on distributing the actual programs and documentation in the following days. Also let's discuss on feasibility and costs for the overlays made with the same tech as our HP16c overlay.

  • Load Waypoints.
  • Great Circle Distance and Track
  • Intermediate Latitude from Given Longitude (Plotting).
  • Altitude Correction due to Cold Temperatures.
  • Fuel Systems Check.
  • Total Time between Events.
  • Conversions:
    • meters to feet.
    • feet to meters.
    • nautical miles to kilometers and statute miles.
    • hectopascals (millibars) to inches of mercury.
    • inches of mercury to hectopascals (millibars).
    • kilometers to nautical miles and statute miles.
    • Celsius to Fahrenheit.
    • Fahrenheit to Celsius.
  • Cross – Head – Tail Wind. 12
  • Pressure Altitude from Altimeter Setting and Field Elevation. 13
  • ISA Deviation at Altitude. 14
  • TAS from IAS and OAT. 15
  • TAS from MACH and OAT. 16
  • MACH from TAS and OAT 16
  • MACH 1 in Knots.

For more information:

Software Aviation Pac manual

Aviation programs uploadable file

Overlay preorder page