Published on 05/15/2024 9:46 AM by JGD

A request for HP15c heavy users

Now that we can reasonable expect to have the possibility of saving and restoring HP15c memory in the near future, and even interfacing it with external software, we could envisage to have software pacs for the HP15c - just like we did for the HP41c. We have 25 labels and that can account for many programs for a given subjext - even if some labels are used for the programs inner subroutines.

What would be the software pacs you could like to see first? What would be its composition? I can imagine some (I will be updating this post as ideas come to me):

  • Finance
    • TVM
    • NPV - IRR
    • VAT-less value
    • %T
    • Date difference
    • Black&Scholes
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Surveying
  • Navigation
  • Aviation
  • Astronomy (with many astronomical objects)
  • Structures
  • Matrix Algebra (including the superb work of Valentín Albillo)
  • Physics
  • Important formulæ
  • Physical constants put in registers