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Return to the HP 17bII+



It really surprises me that the HP17bII+ does not have more success among the business students and professionals. It is a very comprehensive machine, that has been extraordinarily thought out for daily work. 

Today I have forgotten at home my HP Prime, the one I use most lately. While I am at home, I prefer to indulge on my HP41cl, and I don't take the latter out - the loss in case of damage or steal would be too high, and the pepasure I derive from using it when I am at home has no parallel. Therefore, it is the Prime for day to day work at the office. But as I said, today I also forgot it.

Looking into the drawers of my workplace I found an HP17bII+ - the silver version pictured beside.

Apart from looking gorgeous and totally at home with modern Apple-like computers, I thoroughly enjoyed its use for the day.

With the HP Prime you have to carefully consider what you want to do with it. It is a little bit of "problem solving", be it to prepare it to handle currency conversions, to prepare it to solve functions, etc. Once the "problem" is "solved", then it is incredibly fast and convenient.

With the HP17bII+, everything is pre-programmed, and the user interface is the best there is for a financial calculator (having used all of them)

I had to do some currency exchange. As a departure from the old HP17bII, the HP17bII+ has an additional menu for currency exchange, and it allows you to set up 6 currency combinations in a soft menu. You choose these conbnations from a menu where the most used currencies appear. You select the pair, enter the rate and store it.

Another menu that I often use is the BUS (business) menu. -you have several options (% of a total, % of increase, margin on sales, mark up on costs, etc.) These menus are made of the three components. You enter two of them and pressing on the third button, you get the answer. And if that variable appears in another menu, you can still use it. This is extrmely good to perform repeated calculations. For example, when analyzing a balance sheet or and P&L, you may want to enter a total, and calculate which percentage of it are the other figures that appear there. You enter the total once, and then you enter the components, find the %T, and enter the following component, etc. Very convenient - and you don't need to enter the total anymore.

Next week, we will talk about the solver.





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Plus d'informations...: HP prime, HP17bII+

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