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Available Fourier Probes

I have received queries now for some very specific probes. In general, one thinks about the typical educational items: current, voltage, temperature, pH…

But the person doing the enquiry was asking for some more specific: Calcium, Chlorhide and Ammonia. I even did not know that they existed. The HP Prime may be useful for profesional duties after all!

in fact the whole list of the available probes in our supplier stock is amazing. I have not put all of them in the web, but here is the list you can get right now if wanted:


Part Number Description
AC020 Ammonium Electrode
AC021 Ion Selective, Electrode Adapter, (ISE Adapter)
AC012A Anemometer
DT098 Blood Pressure/Heart Rate
DT040A Carbon Dioxide Gas, CO2
AC019 Calcium Electrode
AC021 Ion Selective, Electrode Adapter, (ISE Adapter)
AC018 Chloride Electrode
AC021 Ion Selective, Electrode Adapter, (ISE Adapter)
DT035 Conductivity Sensor Adapter
DT111 Control Switch 
DT110 Control Switch 
DT006 Current 
DT020-1 Distance (for NOVA5000, MultiLogPRO and NOVA LINK)
DT187A Distance (for EcoLogXL)
DT254 Flow Rate
DT272 Force
DT116 Geiger Muller
DT155A Heart Rate (Pulse)
DT298A Heart Rate (Exercise)
DT014 Humidity (5% Accuracy)
DT009-1 Light
DT009-4 Light Multi-Range
DT156 Magnetic Field
DT036 Dual Axis Magnetic 
DT008 Microphone
DT222 Oxygen Sensor Adapter
DT016A pH Electrode + pH Sensor Adapter
AC008 Potassium Electrode
DT015 Pressure 
DT015-1 Pressure 
AC013A Rain Collector
DT148A Rotary Motion
DT122A Smart Pulley
DT171A Soil Moisture
DT320 Sound Level 
DT037A Spirometer
DT029 Temperature (for NOVA5000, MultiLogPRO and NOVA LINK)
DT025 Temperature 
DT241 Temperature (for EcoLogXL)
DT002 Voltage 


You can get more detailed specs for any of them on demand.

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