Calculator blog

Musings and comments about our common interest


The first samples have arrived

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...And here is how they look!

(Please also see the HP12c running HP16c firmware !!! )



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Overlays, cover, etc.

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We have received several questions about the Overlay option in the HP15CE - so many that we have changed the name to "Cover". 

It is an HP16c overlay to be put on top of the keyboard. It allows the machine to behave as an HP16c if you have the means to transfer there the firmware of an HP16c. It is possible on the newest versions of the HP15c or the HP12c too (NOT Platinum). More details to come in following weeks!

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Still more tests for overlays!

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This HP16c overlay version has a little blurred yellow print - the jet seems to be too far from the surface. We'll receive it in a few days to try it mechanically - how it works. It can be used in any new Voyager calculator with the suitable firmware (HP12c -attention, NOT Platinum-, or Comentarios: 0 | Leer mensaje completo

More voyager overlay HP16c pictures - tests

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Here is another picture fo the tests we are doing with overlays. difficult to get the process to get the colors right! Also the blue labels are still not well centered - next tests tomorrow! At least the keyboard works well and adheres well too: you need to shake hard the calculator to get it out. It will work well on that count!


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HP16c in other Voyager bodies

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We are in the final stages of preparing a cover for HP16c. The software will have to work on other "new" Voyager calculators. We have suitable firmware to do it. We are testing it, but I do not think we can run a fully-fledged testing process for it. We will have to work with it as is.

This is a printing sample of what we want to achieve:

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A new old HP12c

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IMG_0615I cannot help but buy calculators that I like. The other day I spotted a 1987 HP12c calculator in quite good shape. It was still working, but the battery low indicator was blinking all the time. The way the calculator looked, it had not been used too often - so the batteries may have even been original! These calculators' batteries really lasted f...

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Repurposing the new HP Voyager calculators ?

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A new glue for HP repairs

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IMG_0583As you know, i have been using E6000 glue for some time. However, the producer has reformulated the glue due to regulatory reasons and there is no more E6000 - there is only E6000+. Th...

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New, ecological packaging for the HP Prime calculator

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We have ordered a box of HP Prime calculators with "BOX" product description. These are special, cardboard boxed HP Primes - much more ecological than the ubiquitous blister. 

This is how the box looks like:


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Another speed comparison for the HP15c Collector's Edition

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Let's try another speed comparison for the HP15c Collector's Edition, this time with a financial workhorse for financial duties: the HP12c (original version)

We will compare the time to calculate the inter...

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