Prime - news

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Well, finally we have been given the green light to start sharing some of the informations related to Prime. Among them:
  • We can already share the Emulator that will come with it. You can have a real taste of how Prime can work for you. You will find it in the emulators' page and in the product page as well (as soon as I am finished with everything!)
  • I will post the manual as well, as it is contained in the emulator software. It will give you a taste of the Prime, and together with the Emulator, will help you with the buying decision
  • So far, I will not post the connectivity kit, since it is no use for it unless you have a Prime yourself!
This week we are busy preparing the orders for the new HP Prime.  We will prepare an offer for our current customers that will be difficult to refuse (we consider customers to anyone that has ever bought from us, and whoever receives our newsletter)

At the same time, I am enjoying some quality time doing small little programs with it. I will try to port the programs I have been using in my other calculators. The matter is easy, but the port is not: the programming model is completely different from the RPL-RPN paradigm. In some ways is coming back to the Pascal of 30 years ago!

(The past sentence was written before receiving the connectivity kit) I am now writing the programs with the help of the connectivity kit. You can edit your programs in it and immediately send them to the calculator for testing. Productivity goes through the roof! How many times faster can you write with your computer than with the most known of your calculators? You can them spend time documenting your programs. You can as well donwload with it the programs shown by Tim Wesmann in different forums (yes, I know that's not the right latin form, but "fora", that no one uses!), and you don't need to write them. I will show you how it works with a simple picture:


When pressing the floppy disk icon, your program is in your calculator! (incidentally, the program assigns a function to a key in the user keyboard. All keys can be assigned a new meaning!

Stay tuned for more Prime news!

Más sobre: HP prime

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