HP4c feet for free on orders >40€

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IMG_2797When I started repairing calculators I took good care of separating the original feet without damaging them, and putting them aside to reassemble after the repair. Once we ordered our own feet, throiwing away the original feet is the very first thing we do. It is a small cost compared with the image of quality and comfort the new feet give.

We ordered feet with 1.5mm thickness. We have seen original feet of all thickness, but we wanted something substantial, so that it really keeps the calculator still on the table, and makes it difficult to displace it. Also we only ship sets of 4, because replacing just one doesn't look good and there might be height differences!

Once put the new feet, the feeling of having finished the repair or assembly is complete!

So we have decided to add a free set of 4 feet to any order over 40€ in repair materials, including shipping, starting today ! You will see it if you're subscribed to our newsletter.

Más sobre: feet hp41c

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