Comments on HP41CL troubleshooting

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The users of the hp41c machines need to be careful while taking their calculators on a trip. The machine is sensitive to vibrations, and doesn’t have as big a capacitor as the original one (which could allow you to change batteries taking your sweet time, and all the programs and configuration would still remain). It has happened already a couple of times that a calculator sent has lost its configuration, or even wouldn’t start.

We reviewed the case in this blog issue, but we think it is relevant - when you buy such a expensive calculator, you need to be sure to be able to revive it when it has a hiccup!

The question comes then on how to initialize the calculator. There are different possible initializations, but in have to confess that this is beyond my knowledge. The only thing that I want to make sure of, is that library #4 is installed in page #4. This library comprises several subroutines that are used by a number of modules programmed and/or compiled by Angel Martin. Basically these are the sole modules being developed today, and include an interesting clone of the hp16c, the extremely powerful Sandmath modules (which turn the hp41 into a very powerful mathematical machine), the advanced matrix ROM, the Complex Functions ROM, the matrix/polynomial ROM and other operating systems and toolbox-oriented ROMs. The interesting thing is that it doesn’t use any of the typical ports, so you are free to use all your modules (also taking into account that, if you plug in the real Time module, it doesn’t occupy the corresponding pages since its functions are already in memory in the hp 41cl)

Más sobre: HP41cl, Troubleshooting

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