Finance Pac
Finally here is our Finance Pac
- Time Value of Money: directly from the manual
- NPV - IRR with solve: limited to 18 periods but easier data entry
- %T - the only missing % calculation in the HP15c from the HP12c
- +TAX, -TAX (sales tax - VAT in Europe): Calculates the sales tax or VAT and leaves in X the before tax or after tax value (depending on the calculation), and the tax on Y
- Weighted average: different from the HP12c, to be used like "1000 units ENTER price1, Σ, 1500 units ENTER price2, Σ, ..." and gives total units in Y and average price in X
- Julian day -> MMDDYYYY
- MMDDYYYY->Julian day (maybe also a version with DDMMYYYY)
- DDAYS using the MMDDYYYY-> Julian day routine
- DATE+ using both routines
- Day of week using both routines
With this overlay design (top of keys will be white, surface of keyboard yellow, angled part of keys blue)
Links to Finance Pac