New Firmware for HP Prime and HP15c CE

Finance Pac

Finally here is our Finance Pac

  • Time Value of Money: directly from the manual
  • NPV - IRR with solve: limited to 18 periods but easier data entry
  • %T - the only missing % calculation in the HP15c from the HP12c
  • +TAX, -TAX (sales tax - VAT in Europe): Calculates the sales tax or VAT and leaves in X the before tax or after tax value (depending on the calculation), and the tax on Y
  • Weighted average: different from the HP12c, to be used like "1000 units ENTER price1, Σ, 1500 units ENTER price2, Σ, ..." and gives total units in Y and average price in X
  • Julian day -> MMDDYYYY
  • MMDDYYYY->Julian day (maybe also a version with DDMMYYYY)
  • DDAYS using the MMDDYYYY-> Julian day routine
  • DATE+ using both routines
  • Day of week using both routines

With this overlay design (top of keys will be white, surface of keyboard yellow, angled part of keys blue)

Links to Finance Pac

Finance Pac file

Finance Pac Programs' description

Finance Pac Overlay

Finance Pac