We are the worldwide experts on HP15c CE with 2000+ units sold!

The hp15c Collectors edition in a burgondy leather case

The HP15c Calculator Collector's Edition

Now with Free Leather case - offer valid until 31.12.2024


The HP-15c is a high-end scientific pocket calculator with a root-solver and numerical integration. A member of Hewlett-Packard Voyager series of programmable calculators, it was produced between 1982 and 1989. The processor used the then new technology of Silicon on Sapphire that allowed ultra-low consumption. The 3 button batteries provided often lasted decades!

For many users, it is the pinnacle of HP calculator engineering together with the HP42s. Due to its popularity, and based on the then-new HP12c ARM-based platform, it was reintroduced in 2011 as HP15c Limited Edition. It was 150 times faster than the original, but it had higher consumption and the batteries would last around 4 months or normal use.

On May 2nd, 2023 HP announced the new HP15c Collector's Edition: the new version, with more speed, more memory and more battery life than the previous iteration.

On July 2024, a new firmware for the calculator has been published. It allows, among other things, to back up and restore the user calculator memory. We install it in the HP15c Collector's Edition Enhanced, but you can do it for yourself with our special cable

Why buy your HP15c CE at The Calculator Store ?

  • Possibility of installing the latest firmware in the HP15c CE Enhanced
  • We can supply the USB-POGO cable - we designed it!
  • We design and supply the HP16c overlay, as well as the Aviation and Finance overlays
